The power of asking good questions
March 7, 2022, Reading time: 2 minutes
One of the most important skills in your life is posing good questions. They lead to solutions and that’s what you want. Good questions also make you think-focused.
If your question is not clear, you will get an answer where you can’t do much with it. Therefore, first, make your question as clear and obvious as possible and write down the question. Take time to focus think carefully about that question. Don’t lose yourself in it problem and its possible consequences, but focus your attention on the solution, the thing you want to achieve. If you are structured ask yourself questions in this way and keep asking questions until If this yields a concrete answer, you can solve most problems and solving dilemmas.
Unclear questions lead to unclear answers.
An unclear question leads to an unclear answer. Our problem is we don’t know how to ask good questions and that we don’t think about the question, only about the reply. A good question is a way to solve a problem because a problem is nothing but a question where you don’t have a good answer yet. If you know how to get the right one question you are able to understand the essence. So don’t look for answers, but ask the right questions.
What do I mean by this?
What can I learn from this?
Why do I do what I do?
Why am I spending my time on this?
What can I do to improve myself?
Who can help me with this?
What do I need to…?
What’s the next step to…?
What is my (unique) added value?
What do I have to offer?
Why am I asking this question?
What do I really want to know?
What do I really mean by this?
What steps should I take to get closer to my goal?
What can go wrong and what can I do to prevent it?